Walk walk walk walk walk walk.
Today has been a day of walking. It’s been good but I did manage to twist my ankle!
Not so good.
We started the day by visiting the venue: Magacin. Magicin is a venue, an office, a performance and rehearsal space. From what I can see it's a place for local artists to gather and make work. It's also one of the main venues for Kondenz festival - which is happening right now!
[Kondenz festival is dance festival which, this year, is happening over 8 days. The festival is curated purely by local choreographers and performers - awesome!]
[We (Cody, Katie, Sammy & I) are volunteering at Kondenz festival, helping out when we can, and on the 27th we are performing ourselves as part of SPOT festival]
After we visited Magacin and spoke with Nela, Lidija and members from the Station Dance organisation about the festival and our time here we left and went to visit The Fortress.
At The Fortress we were then greeted by guns and then a medieval weapons museum! Then shortly after that we discovered some dinosaurs and a tennis court in what looked like to be the moat of The Fortress.
It's probably one of the most bizarre use of space i've seen.
What? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At 2pm we visited the Police Station to register.
Just to make sure, if something happens, we’re on record and we’re safe.
We reached the Police station and we reached 13,000 steps. Once we had finished in the Police Station we walked back to our apartment to rest for an hour or so - by then we had racked up another 3,000 steps. 16,000 steps apparently equates to 7.6 miles (12.3km).
After we rested we then walked to the venue of the first Kondenz performance of this year, called: Species. We stayed for a post show discussion with the Critical Practice group. [The Critical Practice group is made up of emerging writers "who write and reflect dance and performance".]
We had a great discussion about the art world after training. A very interesting discussion indeed.
After this, we went to a pub for a short while and then walked home. I'm not too sure how many steps we ended up on. But i'm going to hazard a guess at at least 20,000.
20,000 steps = 9.5 miles (15.2km)
All for now!
Speak soon!