Cultural producer, facilitator, marketing officer, administrator and performing artist.
The Walk before The Walk
I open my milkshake and drink half.
I guess as to which way to walk and pass Cambrai avenue.
I know I’m going the right way.
Two schools girls are gossiping down the road as I take the last swig of my milkshake.
Perhaps this wasn’t the best way to walk seeing as though I now have to double down.
“Please mummy”
“It won’t fit”
“Please mummy can you just try it”
“I know for a fact that it won’t fit”
“Please mummy”
“The stick is too big for the hole”
A child and mother have stopped before me The child was riding a scooter.
I put my milkshake bottle in the bin that stands next to the notice board I have been staring at.
Had they just left the Christian science society?
The Name Walk. L2.
I begin to walk back down Whyke Lane after having stood at the top of it for around 5 minutes.
I think it’s okay to walk back down it now.
“Cyclists please dismount” A cyclist zooms past on his BMX. Barely even slowed, let alone dismounted.
I notice Lal’s barber shop. A small building. Quite nice. I know someone who lives around this area. I wonder if he gets his hair cut there. Lal's. There's two L's in Lal. This is the second L of my Name Walk...
Distance: 1.14 M / 2.90 Km
Duration: 1:03:40
Start time: 14:04.
End time: 15:08.
Pace: 21:58 min per Km.
Calories: 586.
Speed: 1.7 mph / 2.7 kph